
Confidence - a different perspective... confidence
Confidence comes from a Latin word ‘fidere’ which means “to trust”. Having confidence therefore is having trust in yourself. It is having trust in your personal judgement,...
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The magic of free flow journaling journalling mindset tools self-care
When you allow yourself permission to fully relax your mind, do you find that you can for a brief period of time but then the gremlin of doubt creeps in and shouts even louder than before? 
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Work life balance - what's really going on? work life balance
"To the world, I was happy, but I wasn't. I didn't know who I was. I didn't know how to exist outside of a work setting. Whenever I had spare time, I didn't know what to do with it because I...
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The #1 Confidence Trap confidence
Do you ever find yourself falling into the trap of saying, "I will feel more confident when ______"
...when I lose 10lbs
...when I earn more money
...when I am better at XYZ
...when other people...
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Are you being energy efficient? time management

Credit: Rich Litvin

The topic of energy is more relevant in today's world than ever because of the ever increasing demands that seem to fill our plates. As caring and compassionate people,...

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5 lessons I have learned about leadership leadership

1) Leadership is not about you, yet it's all about you. 

As a leader, you focus your energy externally on your colleagues and work to serve them in achieving their highest potential. But, it...

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Post-Lockdown Team Reintegration: 3 Reasons Values Matter a post-covid world employee retention leadership

Note from the author: Although I originally wrote this blog in 2020, the message is still very important. As a practice owner or leader, you have a unique opportunity to reflect, reset, and renew....

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Keeping the balance as a practice owner work life balance

Being a vet can be challenging enough in terms of maintaining a balance between work and home life. Add in being a practice owner or partner and it simply increases the challenge of the balancing...

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How flexible could you, or should you be as a practice owner? employee retention leadership work life balance

When an employee asks if you have time to talk, you know what’s coming, a request of some sort. Now maybe this fills you with dread and has you thinking; “How much more do I need to...

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"I'm a busy vet, I don't have time to eat, never mind eat healthily"​. wellbeing

Let's re-think this... 

Modern lifestyle is all about convenience, get things done faster, make things easier…because we all have busy lives and don’t have time to spend hours in...

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