Where Are You On The Scale Of Inspiration?

leadership mindset personal growth

There are 3 main leadership profiles that sit within this spectrum. Let’s take a look at all three in order for you to place yourself. 

The Good Enough Leader

A good enough leader is a steady eddie. They come to work every day and do the same job and go home happy about it. They don’t want more than what they are already achieving. There’s no desire to up level into something bigger or better or change things up.

They are consistent and reliable, but don’t tend to step too far out of their comfort zone. They deliver what is asked of them, but tend to shy away from shaking things up, which means things could easily feel stale. They get things done quickly and efficiently, in an orderly manner, but are often resistant to change.

The Great Leader

Great leaders tend to be pulled towards leadership with a strong “why”. They want to have an impact, make a difference, and create positive change for a practice, the team, and the wider profession. They are good at leading by example to encourage the team to be their best. They are attentive to their team and their needs. They praise their employees for a job well done.

But great leaders have not yet moved up the scale to inspirational because they have blind spots. They know the blind spots are there but they’re not prepared to look at them just yet. There’s a bit of a self-awareness deficiency going on at times, which means they haven’t taken that deep dive into themselves to unravel and let go of what doesn’t serve them and the people they lead.

The Inspirational Leader

An inspirational veterinary leader is someone who is called to a mission even bigger than themselves. In the process of stepping up they BECOME the change they want to see, they become a way-shower carving the path for others to walk. 

Inspirational leaders have an insane level of self-awareness. They commit to self-mastery like it’s their full time job because they know in order to get the best out of others, they have to get the best out of themselves first. 

Inspirational leaders are not afraid to create more leaders, because they know leadership isn’t about THEM, it’s about the people they are serving, and they don’t lead with ego. They empower their team with responsibilities and approach leadership with a coach mindset (see blog - Why A Coach Mindset Trumps a Growth Mindset

Inspirational leaders recognise that courage comes before confidence, and they intentionally and consciously stretch themselves on a regular basis to ensure their continued growth and development, to continuously take their leadership to the next level, because the journey of a leader is never done.

The Inspirational Leader profile is not exempt from weaknesses. Inspirational leaders need a unique kind of accountability to stay on track, focused, and grounded. Leadership is lonely whatever profile you are, but truly inspirational leaders can feel a greater sense of loneliness because they are working towards a mission that feels much bigger than them and not many leaders are working at the same level.

Where are you on the scale of inspiration?

Where do you want to be?