The Leadership Lesson I Took Too Long to Learn

leadership the power of coaching

One of the most valuable leadership lessons I’ve learned—one that took me a long time to fully understand—is this: Your team is a reflection of you 

“But Rachael…” I hear you say, “I’m not responsible for all the issues within my team, right?!”

No, you’re not. But what if, just for a moment, you considered taking full responsibility for everything that happens within your team? What would that feel like?

Could you accept responsibility not only for the successes but also for the failures?

Let’s explore this concept a little further:

Your team reflects you because…

  • Your habits and behaviours as a leader are often mirrored by your team. Is someone in your team consistently late? Ask yourself: where in your life are you not managing time well, and perhaps feeling guilty about it?
  • How you perceive your team shapes how they perform. Did you walk into work today with a positive, supportive mindset? If so, you probably saw your team as capable and motivated. On the other hand, if you came in burdened with negative thoughts or beliefs, chances are, you viewed your team through that lens.

Are you willing to embrace extreme accountability?

  • This isn’t about blame.
  • It’s not about internalising every failure or mistake your team makes as your own.
  • And it’s definitely not about holding yourself to impossible standards.

It’s about shifting your focus to what you can do to inspire growth and lead your team towards success.

It all begins with brutal honesty—especially when it’s uncomfortable.

Without that honesty, it’s easy to fall into denial, make excuses, and avoid the changes that are truly needed.

So, are you ready to take on that challenge?


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